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At Garage Door Dreams™, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with quality garage door murals™ that are easy to install and will last for years. Our team works with each customer to ensure that they are happy with their design before it is printed. We offer our customers the ability to use ANY high Resolution 4K HD picture, as long as it is 5MB or larger file size or we also offer a variety of standard designs and custom designs that are sure to turn heads. We believe that every garage door deserves to be a work of art, and we're happy to help make that happen with our garage door mural lines we called GARAGESCAPES ™, ROLLSCAPES™ and DOORSCAPES™
GarageScapes™ are made using high quality Vinyl, Latex ink and topped with a UV laminate to protect your work of art for years to come. Our top of the line printers produce amazing, vivid colors and smooth transitions with professional, high-resolution prints up to 1200 x 1200 native dpi.
These high quality doors are simple to install and will take under 15 minutes to put into your door for a GarageScape™ and under an hour for the DIY DoorScape™ kits! This high quality addition to your home can easily be cleaned with mild soap and water or any glass cleaner. One of the best parts of the insulated GarageScape™ is that when you move, you can take down your GarageScape™ and move it to your new home in only 10 minutes!
We can build a kit for any size door with whatever picture you would like for your GarageScape™. The larger the garage, the higher the resolution required (5MB or Greater) so you're GarageScape™ will look outstanding even at close range. The larger the door the more it costs to produce and ship, send a message and we will reply with the cost to put your kit together. We can do kits for 8X7, 8X8, 9X7, 9X8, 10X7, 10X8, 10X10, 12X7, 12X8, 12X12, 16X7, 18X7, 18X8 and all other custom door sizes. prices range from $300 to $900 Depending on the size door and type kit you require, see pricing page for exact prices.
These high quality GarageScapes™ not only look awesome, the insulated models come on 3/4" insulation providing R5.89 protection reducing heating and cooling costs in your home and are backed by a 10 year warranty.
(Patents Pending on both concept and application, GarageScape™ DoorScape™ and RollScape™
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(GarageDoorDreams™ LLC).